Hermenegildo Cobo. ICEX Seville.

Virgin olive oils are a natural product obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means. They are characterized by their intense flavor and aroma, as well as their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and natural antioxidants.

Characteristics of virgin olive oils
Virgin olive oils are classified into different categories according to their acidity and organoleptic characteristics.

According to the norm of the IOC (International Olive Council) in accordance with Annex B of the current agreement in force until December 31, 2026, the following types of virgin olive oils are established:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): Virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 0.8 grams per 100 grams, median defect = 0.0 and median of fruitiness > 0.0 in the organoleptic assessment.
Virgin Olive Oil (VOO): Virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 2 grams per 100 grams and a median defect of 0.0 < Me < 3.5 and median of fruitiness > 0.0 in the organoleptic assessment.
Ordinary Virgin Olive Oil (OVOO): Virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 3.3 grams per 100 grams and a median defect of 3.5 < Me < 6.0 and median of fruitiness > 0.0 in the organoleptic assessment, or when the median defect is less than or equal to 3.5 and the median of fruitiness is equal to 0.0.
Lampante Virgin Olive Oil (LVOO): Virgin olive oil with a free acidity expressed as oleic acid greater than 3.3 grams per 100 grams and a median defect Me > 6.0.
In the European Union standard, the classification is as follows:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): Virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 0.8 grams per 100 grams, median defect = 0.0 and median of fruitiness > 0.0 in the organoleptic assessment.
Virgin Olive Oil (VOO): Virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 2 grams per 100 grams and a median defect = 3.5 and median of fruitiness > 0.0 in the organoleptic assessment.
Lampante Virgin Olive Oil (LVOO): Virgin olive oil with a free acidity expressed as oleic acid greater than 2.0 grams per 100 grams and a median defect Md > 3.5 or when the median defect is less than or equal to 3.5 and the median of fruitiness is equal to 0.0.
Health benefits
Virgin olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid, which has been linked to various health benefits:
• Reduced cardiovascular risk: Oleic acid helps maintain low LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
• Improved cognitive function: Some studies suggest that the consumption of virgin olive oil may protect against cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.
• Reduced inflammation: The phenolic compounds present in virgin olive oil have anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, virgin olive oils contain natural antioxidants such as polyphenols, vitamin E, and carotenoids, which help protect cells from oxidative damage.


In addition to these classification parameters, there are other characteristic physicochemical parameters within the different categories of virgin olive oils:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Ethyl esters of fatty acids: ≤ 35 mg/kg
K232: ≤ 2.50
K268 or K270: ≤ 0.22
ΔK: ≤ 0.01
Sum of trans oleic isomers (%): ≤ 0.05
Sum of trans linoleic + trans linolenic isomers (%): ≤ 0.05
Stigmastadienes (mg/kg): ≤ 0.05
ΔECN42: ≤ |0.20|
2-glyceryl monopalmitate (%): ≤ 0.9 if the total % of palmitic acid ≤ 14.00% or ≤ 1.0 if the total % of palmitic acid > 14.00%
Waxes (mg/kg): C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
Virgin Olive Oil (VOO):

K232: ≤ 2.60
K268 or K270: ≤ 0.25
ΔK: ≤ 0.01
Sum of trans oleic isomers (%): ≤ 0.05
Sum of trans linoleic + trans linolenic isomers (%): ≤ 0.05
Stigmastadienes (mg/kg): ≤ 0.05
ΔECN42: ≤ |0.20|
2-glyceryl monopalmitate (%): ≤ 0.9 if the total % of palmitic acid ≤ 14.00% or ≤ 1.0 if the total % of palmitic acid > 14.00%
Waxes (mg/kg): C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 150
Lampante Virgin Olive Oil (LVOO):

Sum of trans oleic isomers (%): ≤ 0.10
Sum of trans linoleic + trans linolenic isomers (%): ≤ 0.10
Stigmastadienes (mg/kg): ≤ 0.50
ΔECN42: ≤ |0.30|
2-glyceryl monopalmitate (%): ≤ 0.9 if the total % of palmitic acid ≤ 14.00% or ≤ 1.1 if the total % of palmitic acid > 14.00%
Waxes (mg/kg): C40+C42 + C44 + C46 ≤ 300*
*Oils with a wax content of between 300 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg are considered to be lampante olive oil if the total aliphatic alcohol content is less than or equal to 350 mg/kg or if the erythrodiol and uvaol

content is less than or equal to 3,5 %.
In conclusion, the standards define virgin olive oils and their characteristics, including their classification. Each category has its own requirements and physicochemical or organoleptic parameters that must be met to ensure the authenticity of the virgin olive oils.