Olive oil not only enriches dishes, but also promotes sustainable practices and strengthens territorial marketing

The Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC), which is being held in Madrid these days, continues today with the established programme, addressing on this occasion an important part for the marketing of the product such as communication. Block E, called 'Communication and marketing', sponsored by MSC, was held, where renowned international experts analysed the work being done by the sector at an international level to raise awareness of the product and the challenges that exist for the future.

The congress was attended by Imene Trabelsi, head of the Promotion Department of the International Olive Oil Council (IOC), who gave a talk entitled 'Olive oil and tourism: Business diversification of the olive oil industry - Creating added value through differentiation and valorisation'. During his speech, Trabelsi stressed that "this type of tourism not only promotes sustainable practices, but also contributes significantly to the well-being of local communities and to the strengthening of territorial marketing".

Then Elvira Arzubialde and Ena Cabré, from VML Health, addressed the issue of communication and how digital strategies and brand narratives can strengthen the presence of olive oil in national and international markets.

Next, the founding partner of Castillo de Canena, Rosa Vañó, addressed the topic of marketing and internationalization, pointing out the challenges and opportunities that remain in the export of olive oil, highlighting effective strategies and innovative practices to thrive in a highly competitive environment.

This block has been closed with the round table 'Lessons learned from real experiences, including sustainability in their marketing strategies', moderated by Juan Antonio Polo, head of the Department of Olive Oil Technology and Environment of the IOC, and in which participated Juan Manuel Luque, director of Luque Ecological; Mariu Luchetti, director of marketing and innovation in Deoleo and in charge of sustainability; Rafael Sánchez de Puerta, general manager in Dcoop; and Nicolás Tejada, director of Sustainability and Environment in ACESUR.

The speakers agreed that sustainability goes beyond mere environmental conservation; "it is care, empathy and an integral commitment to human well-being and natural resources". They pointed out that it is constantly evolving and needs transparent and effective governance. This evolution towards a more comprehensive and universal sustainability is a constant, yet essential challenge for business and society as a whole.

After the break, attendees gained an insight into how olive oil is positioned in the global market and integrated into contemporary culinary practices, highlighting its versatility and added value, with the aim of promoting environmentally friendly cuisine.

For this, segment F, called 'Olive oil and gastronomy' and sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through its #alimentosdEspaña strategy, has counted on Santi Mas de Xaxàs, co-executive director of Torribera Mediterranean Center, representing the Culinary Institute of America, and John Regefalk, chef researcher at the Basque Culinary Center.

Both stressed that, although olive oil is a traditional product, it faces contemporary challenges that require novel approaches. They stressed the importance of adopting new technologies and practices that increase efficiency and improve product quality in a sustainable manner. They advocated the integration of innovative methods at all stages of production, from farming to marketing, to meet the demands of today's market. They also emphasized the need for greater collaboration between producers, researchers and legislators to develop policies that promote sustainability and innovation in the sector. The presentation concluded with a call to the industry to collaborate and integrate olive oil more creatively and effectively into gastronomy, ensuring its competitiveness and relevance in the global culinary context.

To conclude the second session, the exhibition of the posters awarded by the Scientific Committee of the OOWC in the first call of the competition held for this edition was held. The winners were 'GEN4OLIVE. Mobilization of olive genotypes through pre-breeding activities to face future challenges and development of an intelligent interface to ensure a user-friendly availability of information for end users' by Óscar Montaño Ramos, R&D Project Manager at BALAM Agriculture; and 'Impact of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) on sperm function in hypercholesterolemic rabbits', by Estefanía Saez Lancellotti, PostDoc Senior Researcher at the Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital in Malaga.

Under the slogan 'Taste it, enjoy, It's olive oil', the OOWC is organised in collaboration with AgroBank, MSC, CIA-Agricoltori Italiani, John Deere, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through its strategy #alimentosdEspaña, the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español, the Junta de Andalucía through its brand 'Gusto del Sur', Filiera Oleicola Olearia Italiana and 'Campo y Alma', the food quality guarantee brand of Castilla-La Mancha, as Platinum sponsors; Grupo Interóleo, Büttner, Yara International, GEA, OLEOMAQ-Oleotec, AGQ Labs and Balam Agriculture as Gold sponsors; the company Kubota, Hispatec, Asoliva, Todolivo and SGS as Silver sponsors; Agrocolor as other sponsors. Agrotec, Voz do Campo, Puglia Live, Grupo Joly and Oleo are the Media Partners of the OOWC.