With its distinction as World Region of Gastronomy 2021, it reinforces its leadership in olive oil production
Relevant companies such as AgroBank and GEA and institutions such as the International Olive Council have already signed up
This alliance makes it possible to work hand in hand to create new opportunities for the actors in the sector
Chat GPT tells us that olive oil is one of the world's healthiest and most sustainable fats, fundamental to the agri-food industry
AI applied to the technological improvement of the olive sector is both a challenge and an unavoidable bet to attract the younger generations
The digital strategy for the new period includes a broad range of actions
On the road to OOWC2026 will be the inter-congress period for the next 16 months.
Experts meeting in Jaén have agreed that they can bring about many changes in the sector worldwide
After the celebration of the Olive Oil World Congress in Madrid, the organisation launches the conclusions derived from the presentations and round tables that took place there
The olive oil consumption strategy should target young people, restaurants and public administrations
Digital communication is essential to strengthen olive oil's international presence
All the experts agreed that the sector is working hard to ensure the quality and authenticity of olive oil
Juan Antonio Polo (IOC): "The decarbonization of processes, both agronomic and industrial, is crucial to reduce emissions"
More than 300 registered participants of 25 nationalities gathered in the Spanish capital for the three days of the event
Luis Planas Puchades, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain, will close the OOWC
This year 30 nominations have been compiled, of which those of Óscar Montañoand and Estefanía Saez have been recognised
Abdelmonem Belati and Mohamed Sadiki have confirmed their assistance to the opening of the OOWC
Gennaro Sicolo, president of the CIA, and Giuliano Martino, director of FOOI, are the liaisons between the two organisations and the Olive Oil World Congress
In addition, the OOWC has received the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (through #AlimentosdEspaña) and the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español
The OOWC program is divided into eight thematic blocks covering each and every one of the challenges facing the olive grove and olive oil sector around the world
Álvaro Toledo (FAO), Pablo Morello (UCO), Hristofor Miho (UCO), Pedro Valverde (UCO) y Blanca Landa (CSIC) will be in charge of the second block of presentations at the Olive Oil World Congress
Juan Antonio Polo: “Events such as the Olive Oil World Congress can help us to overcome the current situation of uncertainty"
OOWC's participation in Ovibeja has provided a unique platform for collaboration and exchange of ideas among industry leaders
Olive oil 'Trade and consumption' outlook from Australia, China, Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States
Operators from many French-speaking countries will participate in the first edition of the OOWC to be held June 26-28 at the CSIC headquarters in Madrid.
This region has more than 180 million olive trees, being Jaén the heart of the olive grove and from which the greatest achievements in this crop arise", said Margarita Cobos, general secretary of the Agency for Agricultural and Fisheries Management of Andalusia
Plácido Pascual Morales (Agroalimentary Laboratory of Córdoba), Hermenegildo Cobo Martínez (ICEX Sevilla), Karolina Brkić Bubola (Croatian Institute of Agriculture and Tourism) and Francisco de Paula Rodríguez García (Junta de Andalucía) will be in charge of the block of presentations on 'Sensory Properties' of the OOWC
Elena Escobar "With four designations of origin, we are the second region with the highest olive oil production in Spain"
Juan Antonio Polo (IOC), Georgios Koubouris (Institute of Olive, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture in Greece), Roberto García (University of Jaén), Emilio J. González (University of Córdoba) and Kostas Chartzoulakis (Olive Institute of Greece) will be in charge of opening the first block of presentations at the Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC)
The list of confirmed speakers guarantees the quality of the presentations at this great olive grove and olive oil
Jaime Lillo, Executive Director of the IOC, will be in charge of opening the congress with the presentation "Current situation, challenges and prospects of the world olive oil sector"
Operators from more than 50 countries will participate in the first edition of the OOWC
Until 1 April, interested parties can benefit from a 15% discount for early payment
The call for abstracts will remain open until 6 May
Jaime Lillo: "The OOWC will serve to boost the olive and olive oil sector through the exchange of knowledge at an international level"
The congress offers the possibility for two companies to be part of the jury by sponsoring this contest
The incorporation of the IOC increases organizational capacity and presence in a greater number of producing and consuming countries
The OOWC has organized a day on olive oil and health to present to future sponsors the various forms of collaboration of this meeting
Those interested in registering will be able to take advantage of the early payment discount until April 1
The program is being developed, adding proposals from professionals who are part of the Scientific Committee
The publication joins OOWC's list of partners
The event will take place on 15 December and will be led by Antonio Escribano, Professor of Sports Nutrition at the UCAM.
OOWC and FAO brought together world experts in the sector on the occasion of World Olive Day
The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 1, 2024
The Olive Oil World Congress has gathered the operators of the sector in a successful day in Benalúa de las Villas (Granada)
Olive grove and olive oil operators will meet in Benalúa de las Villas (Granada) on October 19 to propose solutions to the challenges ahead.
The event will take place on June 26, 27 and 28, 2024 in Madrid
All the options can be consulted in the sponsorship dossier of the website
Discover the Olive Oil Network, capable of uniting all the links in the value chain
The Olive Oil World Congress organizes a conference in Granada, under the title "The challenge of quality and sustainability", as part of the plan 'On the Road to OOWC 2024'.
The auditorium of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid will host the event during the 26th, 27th and 28th of June 2024
Catch up!
The Portuguese journals join the list of OOWC's partners
The Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC) was presented to the Portuguese olive sector with a conference on technological solutions for the future of the sector
More than 10 olive oil producing countries have joined the Scientific Committee of the Olive Oil World Congress to develop its programme for 2024
Join the largest network for the olive oil sector
The OOWC is launching a competition to design the poster for the first edition of the event, which will take place in June 2024
The event will take place on 30 June and will go a step further to connect all professionals worldwide
Join our collaborative action!
Download the OOWC's APP, available for Android and IOS both in spanish and english
In Spain, adherence to the Mediterranean diet among adolescents has fallen from 27% to 13%
During the presentation, the importance of the project in uniting the sector was highlighted
Under the umbrella of the "On The Road To OOWC 2024", the Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC) was presented to different embassies accredited in Spain
The OOWC is organising this event through GoToWebinar, which will take place on 3 May at 10 am
Within the framework 'On the Road to OOWC 2024', the Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC) has presented this project to the embassies accredited in Spain
The application, available for Android and IOS in both Spanish and English, has updated content so that users are the first to know about all the latest news from the Olive Oil World Congress
The brand joins the sponsorship team of the Olive Oil World Congress
The Scientific Committee met to work in the elaboration of the programme, outlining the themes to be developed during this important event
The organisers of the OOWC held a meeting with representatives of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
In the ranking of countries with Geographical Indications (IGP) in the sector, Italy leads with 39, followed by Spain with 33
The event will take place online on 14 March
The 'Olive Hoy' conference provided an insight into the situation of the sector in the producing countries and its consumption
On March 8, International Women's Day will be celebrated, as it is every year
On the occasion of the launch of the Congress, an oil tasting is held at the Spanish Embassy
The international meeting aims to bring together the main institutions, productive and commercial entities of the sector
The olive sector's specialist publication joins with this agreement the dissemination of the congress
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"Olive Hoy" is the first of the activities organized under the umbrella of "On The Road To OOWC"
It will decide on the most relevant topics and speakers for the congress
The Olive Oil World Congress aims to become the largest network of professionals in the olive oil sector
The Olive Oil World Congress hopes that all your wishes are fulfilled in a successful year
The OOWC launches a Christmas campaign to promote olive oil
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Those who register will be able to contact other registered operators to engage in conversation, share projects, and more...
The OOWC invites all links in the chain to contribute their knowledge and experience by sending in their press releases
The Congress offers the interprofessional, companies and institutions the opportunity to participate in one of the working committees.
Throughout 2023, activities will be organised to promote the product and its production
A collaborative project in which companies, associations and institutions can be part of
Keep up to date with the latest information regarding the Olive Oil World Congress