The OOWC was launched at Expoliva

The Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC) continues its promotional activities to raise awareness of this important event, which will take place in June 2024, and aims to become a meeting point for the olive oil sector and its operators.

Thus, and framed under the umbrella of its "On The Road To OOWC 2024", the OOWC was launched at Expoliva, together with the Andalusian Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía), with the aim of explaining directly to the operators of the sector what this project consists of, what its objectives are, the possibilities offered to the producing countries to be part of it and the different actions to be carried out between now and 2024.

The presentation ceremony at Expoliva was attended by Miguel Rodríguez de la Rubia, president of Agrocolor, and Rosa Gallardo, president of the OOWC Organising Committee, who emphasised the contribution that this initiative offers the sector, which more than ever needs to unite all operators at international level to work together to help solve the problems that exist and take better advantage of the opportunities that are generated.

The Andalusian Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía) was also present to show its support for the congress through the participation in the event of Pedro Cerezuela, from the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development; and Cristina de Toro, Director General of Industries, Innovation and Food Chain of the Andalusian Regional Government, who ratified their support for the OOWC and offered Andalusia as a venue for the organisation of the activities that the OOWC will carry out from now until it is held in 2024.

The Olive Oil World Congress is a collaborative project built by all the links in the olive oil chain in the producing countries in order to promote knowledge about the product and the sector. In this way, the associations, companies and institutions that wish to join this initiative can contribute with their knowledge and experience so that the messages and actions, agreed between all of them in the OOWC's decision-making bodies, are amplified and reach all olive oil producers and consumers around the world.

In addition, the congress offers companies and institutions the opportunity to participate in one of the working committees, where the activities and conferences to be developed will be decided. The project has an Organising Committee, whose main function is to monitor the established work plan and promotional activities.

Likewise, the project has a Scientific Committee, in charge of drawing up the technical-business programme, which is made up of professionals from the sector, academics, researchers and national and international specialists from the world of olive oil, such as the ETSIAM-University of Cordoba, the University of Jaen, CIHEAM Zaragoza, the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA), the Institute of Fat or the Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (CIA), and many companies, among others.

Entre las herramientas de comunicación que los organizadores del congreso han desarrollado se encuentra la aplicación móvil ‘Olive Oil World Congress’, disponible para Android e IOS tanto en español como inglés. Para descargar la APP es necesario acceder a Google Play en la versión para Android o a través del siguiente enlace:, y en el caso de la versión para IOS mediante la APP Store introduciendo el siguiente enlace: Pero eso no es todo, porque a través de la APP los usuarios que la descarguen permanecerán en contacto con los profesionales del sector gracias al "LinkedIn" del OOWC, una plataforma donde todo aquel que se registre podrá contactar con otros operadores registrados, compartir proyectos, desarrollar negocios e intercambiar información sobre producción, transformación o mercados.

Bajo el lema 'Taste it, enjoy, It's olive oil', el congreso cuenta para su organización con AgroBank, la Junta de Castilla-La Mancha a través de la marca Campo y Alma y la Junta de Andalucía mediante su marca ‘Gusto del Sur’, como patrocinadores Platino, Grupo Interóleo, Balam Agriculture y Agrocolor, como patrocinadores Oro; y la empresa Kubota como patrocinador Plata.