The Olive Oil World Congress is organising a conference entitled 'Olive oil in the food industry' which will take place via the GoToWebinar platform on 3 May 2023 at 10:00 am. The event is part of the activities of the period "On The Road To OOWC" which aims to raise awareness of this congress and support its celebration in Madrid in 2024.
The day, which will feature international experts in nutrition, will begin with speeches by Ricardo Migueláñez, coordinator of the OOWC, and Rosa Gallardo, president of the OOWC Organising Committee.
Afterwards, Wenceslao Moreda, senior scientist at the Institute of Fat of the CSIC, will give a presentation on "Olive oil in the food industry".
This will be followed by a round table discussion on "The food industry and olive oil", with the participation of experts Silvia Martín, Director of Food Regulations at ASEMAC; Felipe Silvela, Director of Corporate Development and Communication at ArteOliva; and Esteban Momblán, Manager of Interóleo and President of CITOLIVA.
Finally, there will be a round of questions.
Those interested in attending can connect on the day of the conference via this link.