Quality and sustainability, keys to the future of the olive grove and olive oil sector

The Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC) closed its first edition last week with a remarkable success of participation. During three intense days, more than 300 registered participants of 25 nationalities met in Madrid, reaffirming the city as the capital of olive oil. All the information on the OOWC can be consulted through this link, which contains the press releases on the activities carried out during the congress.

Thus, professionals and experts from different areas of the olive oil sector highlighted the different solutions, keys and strategies that the sector has for the future, both in commercial terms, as well as in technological and scientific advances. All the possible solutions to the challenges and opportunities facing the olive grove and olive oil sector have been compiled in a document that includes the main conclusions of the blocks carried out during the congress. The document to access the conclusions can be downloaded through this link.

According to Ramzi Belkhodja, chair of the Scientific Committee and coordinator of Plant Production, Health and Breeding at CIHEAM Zaragoza, the discussions and presentations held during this important event "have highlighted the need for continued collaboration and knowledge sharing to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. We must continue to invest in research and development, adopt new technologies and maintain a focus on sustainability and quality".

The OOWC begins a new inter-congress phase in which the platform will develop initiatives in consumer and producer countries with the aim of exchanging knowledge on the olive grove and olive oil sector at an international level. Over the coming months, the OOWC will hold numerous meetings and conferences with the aim of expanding the community of operators that has gathered in Madrid. In this way, the congress organisers intend to continue exchanging experiences that will help to improve and solve the challenges facing the olive grove and olive oil sector.

Several countries have already shown their interest in the next edition of the OOWC in 2026, so the organisation will analyse the different possibilities in a consensual manner in order to continue to enhance the value of olive oil and transmit its benefits to society.

Under the slogan 'Taste it, enjoy, It's olive oil', the OOWC is organised in collaboration with AgroBank, MSC, CIA-Agricoltori Italiani, John Deere, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through its strategy #alimentosdEspaña, the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español, the Junta de Andalucía through its brand 'Gusto del Sur', Filiera Oleicola Olearia Italiana and 'Campo y Alma', the food quality guarantee brand of Castilla-La Mancha, as Platinum sponsors; Grupo Interóleo, Büttner, Yara International, GEA, OLEOMAQ-Oleotec, AGQ Labs and Balam Agriculture as Gold sponsors; the company Kubota, Hispatec, Asoliva, Todolivo and SGS as Silver sponsors; Agrocolor as other sponsors. Agrotec, Voz do Campo, Puglia Live, Grupo Joly and Oleo are the Media Partners of the OOWC.